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"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." - 1 Peter 4:10

Joyful Servants Image

The Joyful Servants is a different kind of a youth group!  Their focus is on spiritual growth, helping others and making our community a better place for all. Youth in grades 6 through 12 meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am to study the Scriptures almost every Sunday. 


Every six to eight weeks, they spend Sunday morning preparing lunch to serve in an impoverished area where they also offer clothing and blessing bags through Teens Opposing Poverty, a United Methodist youth ministry initiative.  Students are encouraged to share their faith and pray with those who come.  While lunch is cooking, they discuss the next round of activities and opportunities which might include ziplining, the Escape Room or a visit to Dairy Queen! 


Throughout the year they serve in a variety of ways – at Vacation Bible School and in worship at St. Mark’s – ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at Christmas and serving through Nights’ Welcome, a ministry to the homeless community in Hampton!  Always looking for meaningful service and fellowship, all that’s missing is you.

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